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One-Component Polyurethane Waterproof Coating (National Standard)

One-Component Polyurethane Waterproof Coating (National Standard)

  • Category:Polyurethane Waterproof Coating
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  • Release time:2023-04-20 10:27:19
  • Product description


1. One-component polyurethane waterproof coating avoids the trouble of two-component mixing ingredients, simplifies construction operations, reduces human errors, and makes the quality of waterproof coating more reliable.

2. The one-component polyurethane waterproof coating has low content of harmful substances and meets environmental protection requirements.

Scope of application:

Construction roof waterproofing, basement, bathroom, subway, tunnel, pool and other waterproofing projects.

Construction points:

1. The base surface is required to be clean, firm, dry, and cracks and defects should be repaired and sealed first.

2. Detail treatment: Firstly, the yin and yang corners, nozzles and deformation joints are used as reinforcement layers.

3. This product is an environment-friendly product. It should be stirred evenly before use and then scraped. The thickness of the coating meets the design requirements, and there should be no missing brush, drumming, delamination, etc. The thickness of one coat should not be too thick, too thick may produce small pores or slow curing.

4. The drying time of the coating is about 12 hours at room temperature. The film is not sticky to the hand before the time interval of each coating, and it needs to be applied and scraped 2-3 times.

5. The anti-corrosion construction of metal plates and pipes requires derusting and cleaning treatment before coating construction.


Since the one-component polyurethane waterproof coating reacts with water molecules in the air to form a film, it is recommended to use it up once the coating is opened. When the storage period of the paint is relatively long, a thin layer of glue will form on the surface of the paint, which will be removed during use without affecting the effect of the paint; the construction temperature should be above 5°C; it is strictly forbidden to walk on the waterproof layer and stack heavy objects and sharp objects to prevent damage to the waterproof layer.

Storage and transportation:

The product should be sealed and stored in the warehouse, in a ventilated and cool place, and it is forbidden to approach the fire source. The shelf life is 9 months. During transportation, prevent collisions and keep the packaging intact.

National standard polyurethane waterproof coating performance index (executive standard GB/T19250-2013)

Serial Number


Performance Requirements


Solid Content (%)

Single Component





Surface Dry Time(h)          



Hard Work Time(h)          




At 20 minutes, there is no obvious tooth marks


Tensile Strength(MPa)       



Elongation at Break(%)      



Tear Strength(N/mm)      



Low Temperature Bendability        

-35℃, No Cracks



0.3MPa 120min, impermeable


Heating Expansion Rate(%)



Bond Strength(MPa)



Water Absorption(%)



Aging at Elongation

Heat Aging

No Cracks and Deformation

Artificial Weathering

No Cracks and Deformation


Heat Treatment

Tensile Strength Retention(%)

80 ~150

Elongation at Break(%)       


Low Temperature Bendability     

-30℃, No Cracks


Alkali Treatment

Tensile Strength Retention(%)

80 ~150

Elongation at Break(%)


Low Temperature Bendability

-30℃, No Cracks


Acid Treatment

Tensile Strength Retention(%)

80 ~150

elongation at break(%)


Low Temperature Bendability

-30℃, No Cracks


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