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High Penetration Modified Epoxy Waterproof Coating

High Penetration Modified Epoxy Waterproof Coating

  • Category:Polyurethane Waterproof Coating
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  • Release time:2023-04-20 14:54:54
  • Product description

Material introduction

       High-permeability modified epoxy waterproof coating is a new type of waterproof material, which is characterized by excellent permeability and consolidation, and can penetrate into concrete for consolidation to achieve dual effects of waterproofing and reinforcement. The main agent is modified epoxy. Since the diluent is activated and participates in the curing reaction of the main material, not only the shrinkage of the consolidated body is greatly reduced, but also the mechanical strength, aging resistance and corrosion resistance of the consolidated body are further improved. And because the coating penetrates into the concrete to form an irregular surface layer of a certain thickness, it can eliminate the phenomenon that the coating is prone to stress concentration only on the concrete surface, thus overcoming the "peeling" of many waterproof coatings that only form a film on the concrete surface Peeling" problems, greatly improving the service life. This coating maintains the advantages of high permeable epoxy, strong adhesion, strong corrosion resistance, and can be used on wet surfaces. It has good impermeability, puncture resistance, and durability. The ideal waterproof coating with the same life span has been applied in nearly a hundred waterproof projects and won unanimous praise from users.


1. It has excellent permeability and drainage displacement, can penetrate 2~10MM into the concrete, and can still be constructed on a wet base without clear water;

2. It has good consolidation and mechanical properties. The strength of the consolidation layer is more than 30% higher than that of the original concrete. It has strong puncture resistance and does not need to be used as a protective layer;

3. The consolidated body is non-toxic and does not produce pollution;

4. It has excellent freeze-thaw resistance, aging resistance and good corrosion resistance;

5. It has good construction performance, and the base surface with complex shape is very convenient to construct, no need to make a leveling layer, the construction process is very simple, and the work efficiency is fast;

6. As one of the waterproofing projects with multiple fortifications, it has good compatibility with other coiled materials or coatings, can improve the bonding performance with other materials, and has excellent cost performance.

Construction process:

1. Cleaning the surface of concrete structures

2. Apply this waterproof coating (one time), wait for 2 hours to set, generally require a dosage of 0.2~0.25KG/㎡

3. Apply this waterproof coating (two times), generally require a dosage of 0.2~0.25KG/㎡

Range of use:

1. Waterproofing or reinforcement of concrete such as roofs and basements, waterproofing of kitchens and bathrooms;

2. Anti-seepage of the joint between the PVC pipe and the floor;

3. The bridge deck is waterproof and anti-corrosion;

4. Waterproof and anti-corrosion of underground engineering ground, wall and pile head

5. Waterproof and anti-corrosion for the structure of the large excavation section of the subway project and the roof and side walls of the station;

6. The outer waterproof and anti-corrosion of the large immersed tube of the river-crossing tunnel;

7. Reinforcement, waterproofing and anti-corrosion of wooden structure beams and columns of cultural relics protection units;

8. Concrete protective agent.

Table 1 Physical and mechanical properties of highly permeable modified epoxy waterproof coatings


Serial Number


Technical Indicators


Solid Content/%  



Initial Viscosity/mPa.s  



Surface Dry Time  



Hard Work Time  




Coating Without Cracking


Bond Strength/MPa

Dry Base 


Wet Base 


Soaking Treatment ≥


Heat Treatment 



Coating Impermeability Pressure/ Mpa   



Frost Resistance  

Coating Without Cracking, Peeling and Peeling


Resistance to Chemical Media

Acid Resistance/% 

Coating Without Cracking, Peeling and Peeling

Alkali Resistance/% 

Coating Without Cracking, Peeling and Peeling

Salt Tolerance/% 

Coating Without Cracking, Peeling and Peeling


Impact Resistance (Falling Ball Method)/500g500mm

Coating Without Cracking and Peeling off


Concrete Penetration Thickness/mm  



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